Product Description
Our Keep it Current Website Maintenance Package provides a high-quality professional website support service that allows small businesses to be worry-free from their website needs. We will update the website according to the content submitted and would even use premium stock photos for it. We include automatic backups, updates, and security fixes. (WordPress Sites Only)
Key Features:
Backup website monthly to our own secure server – never fear of losing your site again.
Monthly update of all wordpress and plugins including emergency updates for any security holes or glitches reported.
Content updates and graphical changes
– Up to 10 pages of content uploaded/edited monthly (no graphic manipulation)
– Change and update any photos on the website which are not part of the actual design of the website. These can include service/product pictures and pictures displayed on an existing page.
Website tuning
Cross Browser Compatibility, Functionality, Performance, Mobile Responsiveness and Speed
Monthly Website report: traffic, updates, tasks done for the month
Note: Charge is per month and can be cancelled with 30 days notice.
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